In the Future

The language of the future: what will it be like? Write an experimental post using some imagined vocabulary — abbreviations, slang, new terms.

Conversation between husband and wife over lunch at a restaurant. No words are spoken instead both are furiously tapping away on their “communicators”, their faces expressionless.

He: Wake me at 630 tom. Have early meeting.

She: Sorry my alarm rings at 7. DIY (Do it Yourself)

He: Pls its IAH (important as hell)

She: Baby Z keeps waking me up. Need sleep. DIY

He: (Devil emoticon)

She: DC (Don’t care). BTW NTG (need to get) N a communicator

He: (Fed up emoticon) Hes 4 Why does he need it

She: How else should I talk to him. All the other kids have it.

He: (Fed up as hell emoticon)

She: DC. When will food come. Hungry as hell.

He: DC

Just then the food arrives. Now both husband and wife use one hand to eat and the other is still tapping on the communicator.

She: Dishes (Delicious)

He: Mines ordy (ordinary)

There is a lull in the conversation as they both respond to other video messages and mails. They are still not talking, instead the words they are typing are being converted to video.

They finish their meal and go their separate ways.

She: K (That was a nice meal thanks)

He: K (See you later, bye)

Daily Prompt: 2100

  1. Time and place for meditation | Inside My Glitching Mind
  2. I am my mother’s wild future | shame
  3. 2100 | Geek Ergo Sum
  4. Thoughts on Blogging | We Live In A Flat
  5. Slang? No, Thank you! | Life Confusions
  6. Daily Prompt: 2100 « Mama Bear Musings
  7. Werd… [Daily Prompt: 2100] | unknowinglee
  8. •• SDMO: Art House •• | mët•aRVhëë•n✪ia
  9. An Interview With William Shakespeare | The Jittery Goat
  10. Daily Prompt: 2100 The language of the future | littlegirlstory
  11. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  12. Fandipdopdabulous! | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  13. Allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. Lol. Jk. | sayanything
  14. Daily Prompt: 2100 Language of the Future | Photos and writings
  15. Bacon Nation | My OCD Diaries
  16. Enter, Eccentrica Gallumbits… | alienorajt
  17. I Have Seen The Future | Just Visiting This Planet
  18. K. Ttyl. | Crossroads
  19. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  20. Daily Prompt: 2100 is a # away | Pooja calling
  21. The Life of i | JC Bride ~
  22. Not down with slang | Motherhood and Beyond
  23. S. Thomas Summers | Daily Prompt: Future
  24. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Future Verse | mattsden101
  25. Can I really imagine the language of the future? | Rob’s Surf Report
  26. A future of hairballs | Purple Rosemary
  27. Daily Prompt: 2100 Globish | gabrielleablackwell
  28. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Steve Says….
  29. Daily Prompt : 2100 | Travelandfoodworldwide
  30. “Future” | Relax
  31. Let’s talk, no matter how | Life is great
  32. Hold onto your hats kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride! | Girlie Groove
  33. …and new forms conquered the old, Joshua Tree | The RunningFather Blog
  34. The Future Beyond 2100…(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  35. Instantané : Future | Icezine
  36. One Starving Activist
  37. Daily Prompt: Twenny Wun Hunnid | My Atheist Blog
  38. 2100 | The Nameless One
  39. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Jasper Smits
  40. ie iou ooa (Life without consonants) | The Otter in my Jotter
  41. Who are you? I’m 143392|||||/\_|||||#6672, of course. | thoughtsofrkh
  42. Uphirst this Pollocks! | Standing Ovation, Seated
  43. Daily Prompt: 2100 | To Breathe is to Write
  44. Y u wanna kno dis | crookedeyebrows
  45. Daily Prompt 2100: Running to the future | The Land Slide Photography
  46. This is SO cool! | Things That Never Made It Into Print…
  47. What do prithee and probably have in common? | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  48. What if the language of the future is unspoken? | Okay, what if ?
  49. Future Glory |
  50. No Change In 2100 | Flowers and Breezes
  51. Daily Prompt: 2100 | Chicomallorca’s Blog
  52. The Future of Arguing with Henry Longfellow, Brought to You by Star Trek | The Arkside of Thought
  53. Daily Prompt: 2100 | The Daily Post « The Blogging Path
  54. If I Live To Be 111 | Along Life’s Road
  55. Nah, Me Speeka Da Engrish… | Mrs. All Screwed Up
  56. Daily post: Language 2100? Don’t want to know | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  57. Puffknuckle | Godrick Gnomish
  58. 2010 Peer to Peer Communication | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More

4 thoughts on “In the Future

  1. Pingback: FutureSpeak | Edward Hotspur

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