Bipolar Disorder

I’ve always known that I look a lot like my dad. What I didn’t know was that I had inherited some not so welcome gene from his side of the family. Two and a half years ago I was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder.

The diagnosis came following an episode of abnormal behavior and insomnia. I had to be hospitalized for 5 days. My husband asked for an early release because he felt my son needed his mother more than I needed to be in hospital.

Since then, with medication, I live a normal life. I no longer suffer from bouts of depression or anger. I go about my business like any other person. However I feel embarrassed talking about my illness and only my close family knows about it. I don’t even know how I’m writing this or whether I’ll actually publish it.

According to WebMD, the exact cause of bipolar disorder has yet to be found, but scientists confirm that bipolar disorder has a genetic component, meaning the disorder can run in families. Children who have one parent with the disorder have about a 10%-25% chance of developing the disorder themselves. I’m scared to death that I may have passed a bad gene to my son. But what can I do now except pray, I didn’t even know I had it when I was pregnant. Whenever he throws a temper tantrum it sets alarm bells ringing in my mind. The same happens when someone says “Oh that look on his face is just like yours!”

I talked to my doctor about it but he just told me to enjoy my son and hope for the best.

Bipolar disorder can present itself at any age, but typically onset occurs around age 25. I hope I’m around at that time to see my son develop into a normal healthy young man.

Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA analysis

  1. HARLEQUIN: Weekly Writing Challenge | alienorajt
  2. Seeing Me | Real Life Co.
  3. Writing Challenge:DNA | With Cream and Sugar
  4. Weekly writing challenge | theincompetenthausfrau
  5. It’s No Mystery | The Seeker’s Dungeon
  6. Bits and Pieces — A weekly writing challenge | Ty
  7. Mirror, mirror on the wall, why the wormwood and the gall? | voxturturis
  8. Archive of Comments | Arlen Shahverdyan. Author’s Blog
  9. The DNA Bite: A Poem | Blue Loft
  10. The Melting Pot | All work and quite a lot of play
  11. Being a Good Friend (Weekly Writing Challenge) | Anecdotal Tales
  12. WordPress Weekly Writing Challenge | Evelinasec’s Blog
  13. Weekly writing challenge: More than the sum | Life of a Fallen Angel
  14. WordPress Weekly Writing Challenge | Poeme Sur Le Web Blog
  15. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | Talking Student
  17. “Reflect upon your present blessings-of which every man has many-not on your past misfortunes, of which all men has some”- Charles Dickens | n3wbeginnings11
  18. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | imaginations
  19. I’m corned beef, he’s yum cha | bodhisattvaintraining
  20. Weekly writing challenge: DNA analysis | La chica de la burbuja
  21. Weekly Writing Challenge | grandmothersays
  22. Weekly Writing Challenge | grandmothersays
  23. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | Let There be Peace on Earth
  24. Looking at the girl in the mirror | Knitting, feminism and miscellaneous ranting
  25. DNA analysis: A secret vision | Diary of a quirky girl
  26. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | Saindo da SêMente
  27. under life’s imminent | y
  28. WWC: Personal Black Box | Kingdom of Sharks
  29. Family Genes | Deepika’s Foodventures
  30. DPChallenge: DNA Analysis…Gifts From My Father | anniethinksabout
  31. Where the “I am” came from… | Building A Healthy Village
  32. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis – Mirrored Images | SERENDIPITY
  33. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | lifebeinggirly
  34. be positive … or don’t. | these six letters.
  35. Adventure Awaits | The Moonshaker
  36. A 100% Me | Catherine Cai says…
  37. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | tynishabrice
  38. Fossi una farfalla ❤
  39. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | life n me!
  41. Discrepancy | Passive Good Mornings
  42. Turn Your Face | Little Minions
  43. Analyzing Myself | Speak Through Your Heart and Your Mind Will Follow
  44. A symbol of who I am | Fi’s Thoughts
  45. I look for you in every man. | efyusikey
  46. Smiling is Suspicious | An Upturned Soul
  47. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | 3rdculturechildren
  48. The Hobby that Passes On | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  49. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | terry1954
  50. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | A Hedonistic Wander
  51. DNA | Not Enough Poetry
  52. Challenge Response | Rachelloon Productions
  53. DNA Analysis | Danny James
  54. The Truth About Me | lifewithgreeneyes
  55. Hand-me-downs | Wary, Contrary and no Virgin Mary
  56. The Million Strands | The Curious mind of Charlie Brown
  57. Deconstructing me | abstractionsoflife
  58. DNA or Destiny? | Daily Observations
  59. Weekly Writing Challenge – DNA Analysis – Emotional DNA | Serendipitous Cookery
  60. DP Challenge DNA Analysis, Not A Party Thrower | The Library Lady and Rosie Bear
  61. Who Am I? | Word Doodles
  62. Squirrels in The Family Tree | Muddling & Mashups
  63. Day 56. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis. | Forlorn Hope: A Diary Of A Broken Heart
  64. aprastyo27
  65. 1.10 Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | Family, Photos, Food & Craft
  66. Mirror Mirror on the wall, who am I like most of all? | Live. Love. Laugh
  67. Great way to brush up on your writing skills | become a writer one day
  68. Pieces of me…intensely personal writing | Hope* the happy hugger
  69. Man is not a puppet but master of the Nature | crookedeyebrows
  70. My Train of Thought | In Harmony
  71. Overcoming limitation | Fi’s Thoughts
  72. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | Your Daily Dose
  73. The BSC Gene (Bat Shit Crazy) | mostlytrueramblings
  74. | Teenagers – lost and found
  75. How I fared at the genetic lottery | i fancy a doozy
  76. Summers 7F | Keigh Ahr
  77. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  78. Family tree | Thin spiral notebook
  79. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA ~ My Mother’s Hands | The Day After
  80. Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | At least we made it this far…
  81. DNA Analysis | Heartyblue
  82. Cat’s runaw-BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT! | The Adventures of Cat Madigan
  83. Root Connections | Winding Road
  84. The Hair I Inherited | The Temple of the Home
  85. The Code for Life: DNA | Juli Castillo
  86. What The Future Holds? | Flowers and Breezes
  87. Honey, it’s in my DNA | Things I See and Know
  88. DNA – Discovering inNate Attributes | A Woman at the Well
  89. Only a Name | Lost Boy Problems